
Why I'm going there

I guess before I start filling up this site with all of my stories and ramblings, I should tell you why I’m going to Bangladesh. Actually, it is to tell stories and ramble! Just not my own stories…

World Vision is launching a new website (soon! very, very soon!) and it turns out that they need volunteers just like me - people who enjoy over-sharing every moment of their lives through blogs, Facebook, and other social media outlets - to help get the site going. So when I head off to Chittagong on April 10th, I’ll be meeting up with a number of other volunteers who also like to over-share, be it through writing, photography, or videography. Together we will be bringing you the stories of the people that we meet in World Vision’s Patenga Area Development Program.

Once the site goes live (soon! very, very soon!), I will be letting all of you know just how to access the site. It’s really easy to use. Basically, it’s like Facebook or LinkedIn, but for people who are interested in international development and poverty issues. You’ll be able to create a profile and join interactive groups based on where your interest lie. Of course, you will all want to join the “Patenga” group, because that where I’ll be!

I really hope that you will all consider checking this site out once its ready to go. It’s very cool. Watch here for updates.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to enjoy this, I hope you put up lots of pics!!
