
I finally found a Bangladeshi child who likes me!!!

(I'll start by telling you that I saw Rosel again yesterday when we visited the Child Corner.  He was so afraid of me that he literally started grabbing onto tables and chairs to keep himself from being dragged over to me.  Later, when I tried to wave at him, he hid under his desk.)

But Abdus... Abdus loves me!  And I love him.  Who wouldn't?  Look at those dimples (which - as you can see in the pictures - no one can resist touching)!  He was still shy and said very little, but boy can he giggle.  And giggle.  And giggle.  He wants to be a soccer player when he grows up.
Abdus gets his dimples from his mother, Pakiza.  Her husband - Abu - is a day labourer and his work is sportatic.  It is tough for them to keep their four children in school, but it is their top priority.  As she carefully signed her name on the consent form that I gave her, she informed me that her children had taught her how to write her name.  In her own words, they are living a miserable life.  Her dream for her children is that they will be educated, happy, and that they will grow up to be good men and women.

Here's the part where I ask you for money.  Abdus needs a sponsor.  But I'm not just going to let anyone sponsor him.  He is an amazing kid, but given his family's circumstances, I think that he will need alot of encouragement to stay in school.  If you can spare $35 per month and a few letters each year to remind Abdus of how special he is, please let me know.  Thank you.

May 12 Update - So it turns out that my meeting with Abdus was a twist of fate, an entry error.  Abdus is already sponsored by a very lucky family in BC.  But I guess God knew that I needed to meet a child who wasn't terrified of me to lift my spirits a little!


  1. How inspiring. Through this blog I've discovered that I as a "male" have the power to encourage. Somehow putting a face to the kids we sponsor has made them more real. I am writing my first letter to a young boy we're sponsoring. thankyou for opening a view to their world. Terry S

  2. I haven't been great at writing to our sponsor children either. But this trip - even more so than my last one - has highlighted for me the importance of that link... to know that someone halfway around the world actually cares about whether they succeed or not.

  3. OK Amanda - you got me. I'm in, if you'll have me.
