I once considered myself to be quite the little smarty-pants when it came to geography. In fact, this is how dorky I was as a kid: I had a little red duo-tang (sp?) where I would create geography lessons for myself and then I’d make my parents test me. There was one point – I think I was about eight – when I could recite every county in Europe. I was pretty proud of that fact and any of my parents’ friends who had the misfortune of coming over to our house during this phase probably fell victim to this “game” of mine. I was a geography nerd. Hard core. So, when the opportunity came up for me to travel to Bangladesh, I’m embarrassed to say that the first thing I did was refer to a map. But my secret’s out now… here on the internet for so many people to read (even though I know few actually will). I didn’t know where Bangladesh was.

This is pretty much everything I now know about the country. That, and that there will be a man waiting for me at the airport holding an “Mr. Amanda” sign. The rest of my knowledge is yet to be learned. Truthfully, I don’t really know if there’s a point in learning much more before leaving as I fully expect all pre-conceived notions to be challenged. I guess I’ll just have to find out!
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