

This man is 79 years old and spent his life working in social development and disaster management.  We found him in the middle of a poor, rural village where he surprised us with his English, his willingness to help, and his passion for improving his community.  Actually, he found us.

In case you have a hard time understanding him, I've transcribed the video word for word (I think) below.  The grammar isn't important... the message is.

Canada, you’re a friendly country, and the people of the country your friends and we the district people of Bangladesh are also their friends. We want to make a friendly link between these two countries so that we are developing countries and you are a developed country. Developed countries must join hands with developing countries; we want it. We would be very helpful and would be very grateful to the people of Canada if we get enormous help with the expense of development in this country. We once again give our thanks and gratitude to the people of Canada. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today, Amanda. Hope your 're-entry' at home has gone well.
